Week-in-Review: Tips for CIOs to manage stress

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The role of the CIO is a stressful one. But, if we've learned anything this week, it's the importance of finding ways to manage the stress before it compromises our healthBrian Beams' article should be seen as a wake-up call to all IT executives who are putting in long hours just to keep up with the growing number of demands on their plates. To help alleviate some of their stress, in this week's edition of news for IT pros, we cultivated the articles from the week that offer actionable tips on some of the biggest challenges facing CIOs – IoT, security, and talent.

10 tips to help CIOs reduce stress [CIO]: C-level executives share their best strategies for managing stress in this article from Paul Rubens. The ten tips are broken into the categories of security, management, and personal stress, and include this advice from Enterpriser Cynthia Stoddard: “Making sure you are working on the right things by prioritizing your activities in line with your company's IT goals can go a long way to helping your life become less stressful.”

The 6-step IoT game plan [CMS Wire]: In this article titled, “Why Your CIO Holds the Key to the IoT,” Frank Palermo points out that, “CIOs who demonstrate their comfort at the center of the IoT juggernaut hold the keys to propelling their IoT businesses to product wins that beat out the competition.” He provides six crucial steps to success – from creating a vision to attracting, training, and retaining the right talent.

Rising security priorities: 5 security trends to watch [Business Solutions]: Staying ahead of security threats is key to reducing the risk of a major incident – as well as the stress associated with it. Information security expert Michael Fimin shares the five security priorities that he thinks will dominate IT conversations in the near future.

Tips on maintaining and motivating existing talent [CIO]: An article in CIO this week points to the “massive gap” in talent acquisition, stating that only 11 percent of IT executives feel they have a robust acquisition pipeline. The research highlighted by the article suggests that CIOs focus on retention to keep their best talent in place and showcases real strategies from three leading IT executives. Enterpriser Peter Weis offers this advice: “Find meaning in your job and what it means in your organization. The energy of leaders is contagious. When you do things everybody sees it, and conversely when you are not they see that as well. Make a difference beyond the core work.”

More news for CIOs

Open source near ubiquitous in IoT, report finds [ReadWrite]

Target's New Robot Helper Is Busy At Work On Aisle 3 [Fortune]

The Weather Company Brings Together Forecasting And IoT [InformationWeek]

You’re asking too much of chat bots. Just let them grow up [Wired]

IT leaders inundated with bimodal IT meme [ZDNet]

Carla Rudder is a community manager and program manager for The Enterprisers Project. She enjoys bringing new authors into the community and helping them craft articles that showcase their voice and deliver novel, actionable insights for readers.