How to rediscover your inspiration at work

Feeling deflated in your career? Use these tips to infuse more inspiration and excitement into your work day
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Think back to the last time you felt inspired by your work. Likely, you felt alive. Time flew by. You felt a sense of purpose and excitement for the work you were doing. Now contrast that with feeling uninspired on the job. The minutes drag by. Assignments feel like chores, and your morale tanks. 

Unfortunately, inspiration can be fleeting, and when it’s lost, it’s hard to get back. And while you can’t force it, that doesn’t mean you can’t create more inspiring and exciting environments and situations at work, argues Kristi Hedges in this Harvard Business Review article.

Hedges offers up four suggestions for leaders who are feeling deflated in their careers. For instance, she says something as simple as changing up your routine can help you get out of a slump. Read this article for more tips. 

Carla Rudder is a community manager and program manager for The Enterprisers Project. She enjoys bringing new authors into the community and helping them craft articles that showcase their voice and deliver novel, actionable insights for readers.