Infographic: 4 common obstacles facing CIOs

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4 Common Obstacles CIO Carousel

IT leaders are facing four common obstacles when trying to drive meaningful innovation, according to a new CIO/IDG Research study sponsored by Red Hat. CIOs can overcome these obstacles by playing the role of business game changers.

The research from CIO Strategic Marketing Services /IDG Research Services – pulled from a survey of 100 respondents at the IT director level (and above) at organizations with 1,000 or more employee – shines light on the progress CIOs and other IT executives have made as they step into a more strategic role, as well as the challenges they continue to face.

From "keeping the lights on" to the integration and collaboration of IT into the overall business strategy, there are some clear hurdles that CIOs continue to face.

To learn more about the common obstacles and how rethinking the CIO role might help, download the full report: “CIOs at a Technology and Cultural Crossroads.”


CIO 4 obstacles to overcome and rethink the CIO role

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