Week in Review: Verizon's Speed Issue, Reasons Few Want to Be CIOs Anymore and Some Inspiration for Next Year

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Verizon Having "a Little Bit of a Speed Issue"

By Ryan Knutson via WSJ Tech

In October, Fran Shammo, Chief Financial Officer, said the carrier was having "a little bit of a speed issue" in New York, San Francisco and Chicago." Consumption of video is far outpacing what our expectations were," Mr. Shammo said at an investor conference last month. "You have 3G customers migrating to 4G, and what we see is that the minute that they migrate over their video consumption goes way up, and they're more than doubling, if not doubling, their usage." In the second quarter, Verizon said it would increase spending by about $500 million during 2013 on wireless-network improvements.

Blackberry Exodus

By Will Connors via WSJ Tech

I think this requires a bulleted list:

  • They have an Interim Chief Executive John Chen, who told employees in a town-hall meeting, "Not all of you will be here," according to a person in attendance that day.
  • Executive vice president in charge of global sales, Rick Costanzo, will be leaving the company by early next year.
  • Chris Wormald, who was in charge of BlackBerry's mergers and acquisitions strategy, will be gone by the end of this month.
  • Their departures would come just weeks after BlackBerry's chief marketing officer, chief operation officer and chief financial officer left.

Saddled with a large inventory of unsold phones and weak sales, BlackBerry said it September it would shed 4,500 employees, of about 40% of its workforce.

Inventor of RSA's SecurID Wins Patent on New Cybersecurity System

By Steve Rosenbush via WSJ

New important patent alert. The U.S. Patent and Trademark office plans to officially awarded Dr. Kenneth P. Weiss the patent for SecurID on December 17. The new product will be available to download as an app in Apple Inc. and Google Inc. app stores and adds layers of security to the existing industry products.


5 Higher Education CIOs: InformationWeek's Chiefs of the Year

By Chris Murphy via Information Week

"Higher education must change. There's the obvious reason of tuition rising far faster than inflation and wages, raising student debt burdens and pricing out would-be students. But students also are changing -- they're demanding more mobility, remote learning options, and classrooms that combine face-to-face and digital teaching. Recognizing the critical need for IT leaders to anticipate and respond to these changes, InformationWeek chose five leading higher education CIOs as its 2013 Chiefs of the Year."

Why Few want to be CIO Anymore

By Julia King via ComputerWorld

"More than half of the respondents to our survey say they don't aspire to be a CIO. Here's why politics, pay and a lack of prestige can sink CIO aspirations."

CIOs Should Learn the Two Metrics That Matter

By Adam Hartung via CIO.com

CIOs need to be prepared to explain how their expensive IT project will improve the numbers every CEO cares most about. Adam Hartung states, "Twenty years ago I was geared up for a meeting with the CEO. I was all ready to tell him how much better the new IT projects were going to be. When I walked in to meet with him, he looked at me and said, 'So, regarding today's discussion, will this sell more stuff--or save me money?' I wanted to die." What are the two metrics that matter?


9 Reflective Quotes for 2013

By Michael Friedenburg via Enterprise CIO Forum

"With the new year quickly approaching, it is always nice to reflect a bit while looking forward to the year ahead. Given how technology continues to affect every element of our life, personal and professional, the following quotes are worth thinking about as we set our goals for the coming year."

Please everyone have a safe and Happy New Year!

Nano Serwich is Editor of The Enterprisers Project and Global Awareness Content Manager at Red Hat.