Infographic: 7 new rules of the road for CIO leadership

There are no shortcuts for leading digital transformation. Follow this new set of CIO leadership rules identified by your peers and HBR Analytic Services to navigate disruptive times
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The traditional rules of CIO leadership need to take a backseat in this new digital era of disrupt or be disrupted. Transformative CIOs are following a new set of rules, according to new research from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services. 

The research, sponsored by The Enterprisers Project, identifies seven new rules transformational CIOs are using to successfully steer their organizations through the twists and turns associated with digital transformation. 

Download the full report to learn more. Or take the fast lane and view the infographic below. 

Click on the infographic to view a larger PDF version.

Infographic: 7 new rules of the road for CIO leadership

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Ginny Holden is an independent consultant who brings the practice of IT to life through memorable storytelling.