3 fading and 3 future IT culture trends From always-on expectations to human/AI collaboration, here's what in and what's out in IT culture...
9 DevOps and DevSecOps best practices for the hybrid work era Get advice from IT leaders and DevOps and DevSecOps experts about the challenges they’ve experienced...
Why DevSecOps fails: 4 signs of trouble A successful DevSecOps strategy requires commitment, resources, and a willingness to learn as you go...
How to manage hybrid teams: 4 priorities How can managers lead hybrid teams successfully? Use these priorities to help hybrid work teams...
What are lightning talks? What is a lightning talk? What's the purpose of a lightning talk? How can you give a good one? How...
How to use feedback loops to improve your team's performance Consider these lessons from DevOps research and real-world production lines on how feedback loops...
Digital transformation: 4 ways to deal with change fatigue Is your team suffering from change fatigue around digital transformation efforts? Consider these...
DevSecOps: 5 ways to learn more Want to learn more about DevSecOps? Use these resources to get up to speed on this holistic – and...
What is ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI)? 7 questions, answered As more organizations implement Artificial Intelligence technology into their processes, leaders are...
IT hiring: 4 ways to keep it human Digital recruiting tools are essential these days, but don't forget that you're hiring people, not...