Why your team doesn’t have to be all-in on agile Agile purists insist waterfall must be banished from all corners of the organization. Epsilon's CIO...
How to explain DevOps, agile, and automation like a golfer What do mulligans and agile development have in common? Quite a bit. Let’s bring some tech concepts...
How to turn DevOps fakers into believers Are some of your people quietly hanging on to their old ways? Here’s how to get them on board with a...
How to scale DevOps: Unique traditions - and breakfast tacos - help Taking agile from a small group to a whole organization can be a backbreaker. But rituals that unite...
5 open source principles that help DevOps teams excel From a belief in meritocracy to a focus on continuous improvement, open source culture principles...
Stand-up meetings: 5 reasons to kiss traditional meetings goodbye Can you end meeting dread by having stand-up meetings? IT leaders say it's not as hard as you'd...
Minimum Viable Product disconnect: How to avoid a dangerous trap IT leaders tend to focus on "minimum," while business leaders focus on "viable." Here's how to stop...
Adobe CIO: Cross-functional collaboration requires embracing failure and loss of control Cynthia Stoddard shares leadership lessons gleaned from her organization's move to cross-functional...
MIT researcher: 3 ways to make your workplace more agile The shift to agile requires leaders to rethink the employee experience. MIT research scientist...
Ellucian CIO: Cross-functional teams need shared accountability to succeed Lee Congdon shares seven elements that helped his team improve cross-functional work