This loan company realizes the power of data scientists and software engineers joining forces Data is essential to any modern company, but software applications are what draw the business value...
Why this CTO believes open source should be the new norm for all software companies Making your code open source has many advantages, according to Alan Duric, CTO of messaging solution...
10 reasons why CIOs should consider open source software A recent survey shows 78 percent of companies run part or all of their operations on open source...
MongoDB cofounder explains what to do when a project has gone off track It has happened to nearly every technology leader. A project that seemed like an excellent idea when...
News Corp IT executive shares insights and lessons from first few months on the job In my new role at News Corp, where there are many companies under one umbrella, from Dow Jones...
Why open source has been a tremendous accelerator for Monsanto Our IT organization is continuing to evolve as we engage more in open source. Whether it be what we...
A 100-year-old organization's journey from mainframe to open source to DevOps The Church Pension Group provides insurance, annuities, and pension products to 35,000 members...
Achieve change through open decision making and shared accountability At a time when CIOs and IT leaders are urged to keep up with the pace of technology change, I'd...
Our 10 most popular articles in 2015 Our community of CIOs and IT executives have shared an impressive array of wisdom, advice, lessons...
Weather Company CIO says informed IT leaders are open to open source Just a few short years ago, there was a possibility you might lose credibility by bringing up open...