Digital transformation: 4 growing trends in 2018 CIOs are moving from customer focus to customer obsession - and using DevOps, AI, and automation to...
8 unusual IT interview questions and approaches: CIOs share Check out these IT interview questions – and what CIOs seek to learn from them
PrimeLending CIO: How to move from project to product mindset A shift to a product focus delivers big benefits for PrimeLending
Presentation tips: 6 secrets of master presenters Put these expert presentation tips to work, to avoid blunders and persuade with power
Two strengths of revenue-generating IT teams: Speed and talent What do IT leaders who succeed at driving revenue have in common? Speedy process and a passionate...
7 leadership rules for the DevOps age DevOps is about continuous change and improvement: Get ready to change your cherished leadership...
5 time thieves and how to beat them Learn tactics to fight the factors that steal your time, day after day. Hint: You’ll have to learn...
10 bad DevOps habits to break Some common DevOps practices can turn into bad habits. Nip them in the bud now for greater success...
How technology changes the rules for doing agile Containers and Kubernetes were not here when we started doing agile. But they change what used to be...
4 artificial intelligence trends to watch Is this the year AI decision-making becomes more transparent?